Pollen is one of the ingredients of the diet of the bees, as the main food for the rearing of the larvae destined to become bees and worker bees. It consists of the male germ cells of plants (the spermatophytes), is presented first in the form of powder, flowers, and subsequently in balls of various colors and sizes. The worker bees, traveling from flower to flower collect pollen in special "punnets" placed on their legs.
The pollen carries out a number of actions rather interesting on our body. It is definitely a great energy and more:
- pollen improves mental performance, as demonstrated Caillas and Aschkenazy-Lelu. The reactivity is higher, the ideas are clearer, it responds to stress better mental
- acts against prostatic hypertrophy, the beneficial effect seems to be related to the presence, in the pollen, sex hormones
- acts against high cholesterol
- acts against the liver-fatigued
- acts against the form of depression because it is exhilarating to our fitness
- acts against anorexia is motivating because our metabolism
- acts against those individuals anemic because it leads to an increase in hemoglobin
- he eutrophic action, which manifests itself in those who suffer because of an organic deterioration and convalescents. Where you configure these conditions we observe a fairly rapid recovery of physical energy and weight, increased appetite and desire to act, a greater determination and resistance to fatigue. All this is to be related both to the richness in vitamins, their pollen, which the "anabolic factor" studied by Chauvine.
The pollen is used in herbal medicine as a tonic because it is a complete food. Protein-rich (6-30%), amino acids (15-22%), lipids (1-10%); unsaturated fatty acids and sterols; carbohydrate (up to 50% in the dry state); simple sugars (4-10% ), water (12-20%), vitamins (vit.C, A, Pantothenic acid, ac.folico, B complex), enzymes, hormones, antibiotic factors, minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc) and flavonoids. At the core of his cell, the pollen contains the secret of life: DNA and RNA molecules that establish the vital function of all cells. Thanks to these substances strengthens and nourishes the whole body, fights the states of mental and physical fatigue proving to be an excellent adaptogen and antioxidant.
Used by athletes to increase resistance to fatigue and muscle strain, is used in the physical activity of sports for the contribution of carbohydrates and lipids but also as a source of protein and essential amino acids, higher than those of meat, eggs and cheese, justifying the tonic, anabolic, given the presence of 20 of the 22 amino acids used by the human body. These same substances combined with the significant presence of iron in a molecular form highly helpful for our body, give the pollen virtues nutrients and anti-anemic. Its use is recommended, therefore, growth disorders in children, thanks to the calcium and vitamins that fight bone decalcification, rickets, growth retardation, anemia, anorexia, loss of appetite and emaciation.
About half of the amino acids are particularly important for the metabolic activity in the brain, because they provide a valid and effective nutrient supply to the central nervous system. These nutrients improve the metabolism and enhance mental performance, psycho-motor functions and memory, which are essential in the preparation of exams, and the elderly. In adults then has a stimulating of all the main vital functions: it corrects and regulates the endocrine imbalances. When states of stress and mental and physical fatigue, to which we are subject, exhaust all our energy, causing fatigue, decreased libido, anxiety and depression, the pollen is extremely effective to restore energy and vitality and vigor to awaken the senses.
The flavonoids, powerful antioxidants contained in the pollen, counteracts cardiovascular disease, because they lower cholesterol, stabilize and strengthen capillaries, reduce inflammation and fight the formation of free radicals responsible for cell aging. In particular, quercetin performs an immunomodulatory and is therefore very useful in the treatment of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchitis, sinusitis, cough, cold and allergy. In contrast to antibiotics, in fact, the pollen does not directly attacks the pathogens, but rather stimulates and strengthens the immune system against these microorganisms, helps normalize the bacterial flora (70% of our defenses is here!) regularizing the bowel activity, regularizing episodes of constipation and diarrhea, aiding in digestion and the elimination of intestinal gas.
As the serenoa, the pollen is an effective remedy for benign prostatic hypertrophy, thanks to the presence of bioflavonoids which play an anti-inflammatory and inhibiting the growth of prostate tissue, can reduce the pain, congestion and the risk of prostate cancer. Rutin tones the capillaries, helping varicose veins, venous insufficiency, hemorrhoids and hypertension.